Sunday, August 30, 2015
Bible Study #740
The goal of Bible Study is not just learning, but living
If you are saved, you will have a desire to be holy, a hunger for the Word, the inner witness of the Spirit,
and a desire to share Jesus. These are the birthmarks of the believer.
#740 11 Aug 15
Now brethren, if I come to you speaking in tongues, what will I profit you unless I speak to you either by way of revelation or of knowledge or of prophecy or of teaching?
1 Cor. 14:6
Grateful for . . . .
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Greetings! if I come to you . . . what will I profit . . .?
Even an apostle who spoke in tongues did not spiritually benefit a congregation unless, through interpretation, his utterance was clarified so that the revelation and knowledge could be understandably preached and taught. Any private use of this gift is excluded for several reasons:
1. it is a sign to unbelievers (v. 22)
2. it must have a translator to have any meaning, even to the speaker (v. 2)
3. it must edify the church (v. 6)
Keep a smile on your face and a song in your heart! ♥
Memory verse for this week: Acts 17:26
This week's Trivia's: [answer's below . . ]
1. What is another term for the "wise men" who visited baby Jesus?
2. Jesus told us not to fear those who kill the body, but instead we should fear those who kill what?
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God does business with those that mean business
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“Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.” Matt. 5:6
Jesus tells us that when we seek after righteousness, we will be filled. Sounds like we’ll be happy, don’t you think? But happiness is not something we find by hungering for it, it is something we receive by serving the Lord.
God doesn’t want us to be happy without Christ. God allows us to experience unhappiness in our lives in the same way we experience pain when we step on a nail. The pain tells us something is wrong.
Now, for us to seek happiness without seeking righteousness would be like breaking our arm and then not taking a pain killer and getting it set. Blessing comes when we find the Deliverer. When you hunger for Him, you will have Him. How much of God do you want today?
from the Ministries of Love Worth Finding . . . by Adrian Rogers
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Knowledge comes by looking around .. wisdom comes by looking up
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We have begun another journey and will learn from the book "AGENTS of the APOCALYPSE" written by David Jeremiah. A Riveting Look at the Key Players of the End Times. GBY
. . . . AGENTS of the APOCALYPSE . . . .
THE EXILE . . [part 1]
It was a Sunday morning in the first century AD, and the members of the Ephesian church were gathering to worship in the spacious atrium in the villa of Marcellus, a wealthy Roman convert who freely offered his home as a meeting place.
As the members arrived, their faces were taut with uncertainty. Tension filled the air, like a mooring line ready to snap. The meeting began as usual, with a hymn, but today the church sang with little feeling. Their minds were distracted by the ominous rumors coming out of Rome. After a prayer and a reading from the prophet Isaiah, Tychicus, one of the deacons, stood to address the congregation.
“Dear brothers and sisters, the church leaders have asked me to inform you of evil tidings. A decree has just been posted in the forum telling us that the Roman emperor Domitian has assumed the title ‘master and god.’ He has demanded that everyone in the empire swear an oath to worship him. He has already launched an aggressive campaign to enforce the edict in every city under
Rome’s jurisdiction. What is worse, he has especially singled out Jews and Christians because he suspects our disloyalty to Rome.”
A voice from the crowd called out.” Are the rumors true that the edict has already been enforced in some of the other churches?”
The deacon nodded soberly. “A fortnight ago Roman soldiers invaded all the Christian homes they could find in Pergamos and demanded that every member immediately take the oath of worship to Domitian.”
”Did they do it?” another tremulous voice asked.
A pained look crossed Tychicus’s face. “It grieves me to report that two-thirds of them gave in and took the oath.”
A gasp rippled through the crowd. “What happened to those who would now bow?” someone asked.
“I am sorry to tell you that they were brutally flogged and executed. And we can be sure the same thing will soon happen here in Ephesus.”
The room fell silent. Finally someone asked, “What can we do?”
At that moment, an aged man who had been sitting to the side stood slowly, aided by the staff in his hand. Unlike the other faces in the room, his showed no distress. In fact, he positively radiated joy. “It was almost as if his face glowed,” one member later observed.
The apostle John faced the group. “My dear brothers and sisters,” he began, “you ask what we can do. There is but one answer.” At the age of ninety, his voice still rang out clear and strong. But there was a warmth in his delivery that dissolved much of the tension in the room.
“We can stand ready to give back to our Lord Jesus Christ what He has given to us. He gave us life by giving up His life, and we must do no less for Him.”
“Perhaps we should stop meeting for a while,” Marcellus said. “That would keep us from being so visible and identifiable.”
“No, that is exactly what we must no do,” John replied. “We must look at this trouble coming our way as a test of our faith. Will we love our Lord enough to stand firm and suffer with Him? Or will we turn our backs on the One who gave us the greatest gift of love in history? With such trouble coming, we need more than ever to meet together in order to support and encourage one another to stand strong. If we stop assembling, we will isolate ourselves and lose the strength we draw from each other. We must never stop meeting, no matter how severe the persecution.”
“As long as this threat remains, we have decided that we should meet all over the city in separate homes,” Tychicus said. “The Romans will never be able to find us all. Some of us may fall, but the church in Ephesus will survive.”
“And, I hope, grow even stronger in the face of the persecution,” John added. “Sometimes I fear that we are becoming complacent that that the love we originally had for our Lord and for each other is beginning to cool. Persecution could rekindle that love by drawing us together as we face a common danger.”
“Why is God letting this happen?” a voice cried out from the back. “We have been loyal and dedicated. We have done many good things in Christ’s name. Yet the more good we try to do, the more the world seems to hate us.”
“Do not marvel, my brothers and sisters, if the world hates you,” John replied. “Our Lord and Savior was perfect in every way, and yet the world hated Him. People hate what they do not understand. We should look on this coming trial as a great honor. We are being chosen to share His cross and His sacrifice for us. Many who have already died for Christ have received their suffering with joy. In the years since His death and resurrection, all my fellow apostles, including that late-coming firebrand Paul, have been called to suffer death for Him. I am the only apostle remaining who has been denied that honor. And now that I see it on the horizon, I welcome it with all my heart. I urge all of you, my dear brothers and sisters, to remain steadfast and true to Christ, no matter the cost. You will receive a reward in heaven that will make your sacrifice seem as a mere trifle.”
John resumed his seat, leaning heavily on his staff. After another hymn and several prayers, the assembly dismissed.
As usual, the members clustered around John with questions or prayer needs, or simply to bask in the man’s magnetic presence. But today a tense undercurrent ran through the conversations. It wasn’t long before Marcellus pushed his way through the group and stood facing the apostle. His face was as red as wine, and his eyes blazed with anger.
“How can you ask us to do this?” he demanded. “I have a wife and five young children. Do you expect me to just stand by while they are tortured and slaughtered? I will not do it! The rest of you can meet next Sunday like cattle waiting for these Roman butchers. But not I! You must find another place to meet. There will be no worship here until this crisis has passed. I am perfectly willing to live for Christ, but it’s too much to ask me to die for Him!”
Without another word, Marcellus turned on his heel and walked away. Soon the remaining members dispersed to their homes. How would they react when the Romans came? They weren’t entirely sure. Would they face the crisis with the courage of their apostle John or with the fear of Marcellus?
next week: . . Part 2 . .
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Those of us who quit too soon will never learn to endure
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The Son of Man is going to come in the glory of His Father with His angels. Matt. 16:27a
ONE OF THE HIGHLIGHTS OF JESUS' ministry on earth is found in Matthew 16:27-17:6. It looks ahead to His return to earth in exaltation and glory, when all His enemies will be placed under His feet and He will establish the long-hoped-for eternal kingdom.
At the time Jesus spoke to the disciples about His return, they were in desperate need of encouragement. Recently they had heard much of pain but little or gain, much of suffering but little of glory, and much of the cross but little of the crown. Jesus therefore assured them that He was indeed the Son of Man who would "come in the glory of His Father with His" thousands upon thousands and myriads upon myriads of holy angels to receive the kingdom and execute judgment.
Here was Jesus' first specific revelation to His disciples of His second coming. After just telling them that He was God human flesh, that He was the promised Messiah, that He would build a kingdom that nothing could hinder or destroy-but that He first had to be rejected, killed, and raised from the dead-He now informed them that He will one day return in great glory and righteous judgment to establish His throne.
"The glory of [the] Father with His angels" may not be a sight with which you can do justice in your imagination. But spend a few moments trying to sense the majesty and drama of this coming event. How could meditating on this reality help you do real justice to this day?
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If you learn to trust God, He will be there to meet your need
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‘My son,’ the father said, ‘you are always with me, and everything I have is yours.’ Lk 15:31
read the story of the prodigal son, and you get the idea that hardship never seemed to touch the life of the older brother. After the prodigal headed for “Hollywood,” the older son kept faithfully managing the father’s farm and paying the bills. He kept his nose clean and never suffered consequences of disobedience.
Then one day, when his younger brother showed up, the father went crazy with excitement. Steaks on the barbecue. Crepe paper strung on the tent posts. “Welcome home” banners over the doorway. It wasn’t the cost of confetti and fatted calves that irked the older brother; it was the gushing favor of his father showered on his sibling.
Just when the older brother thought he was missing out, he heard these words of tender reassurance: “’My son,’ the father said, ‘you are always with me and everything I have is yours.’” The prodigal son only had a portion of the inheritance. The older son possessed everything. He simply forgot that.
This is an important lesson for those whose lives have not been touched or scarred by deep suffering. Christians who do not regularly taste pain and hardship must live more circumspectly and carefully. Without suffering, one could become like the prodigal’s older brother who, in his trouble free circumstances, forgot how much he had. But God has blessed every believer “in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ” (Eph 1:3). God has nothing more beyond Christ to give those who suffer…or those who do not.
Father, thank You for giving me all things in Christ. If my days are blessed with ease and comfort, help me not to forget the rich and many spiritual blessings You have bestowed upon me. Help me to desperately and urgently cleave to You, even when my circumstances are pleasant. May I never forget what I have. May I always be grateful.
Blessings, Joni Eareckson-Tada
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Only God can inspire a believer to prophecy.. for Him
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The important thing is obeying God's commands. You all were bought at a great price, so do not become slaves of people. 1 Cor. 7:19-23
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Answers to this week's Trivia's:
1. What is another term for the "wise men" who visited baby Jesus?
A. The Magi Gen. 13:9
2. Jesus told us not to fear those who kill the body, but instead we should fear those who kill what?
A. The soul Matt. 10:28
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Answers to Questions about Heaven . . . David Jeremiah
Q. What is the purpose for the Millennium?
There are a number of reasons that a literal Millennium must occur.
To reward the people of God: there are scores of promises scattered throughout the
Bible, both in the Old Testament and in the New Testament, guaranteeing God’s people that they will receive rewards for faithful service (Matt 16:27; 25:34; Rev 22:12). And part of our heavenly reward will be to reign and rule with Christ upon this earth during the Millennium. Each of us will have opportunities to serve the Lord based upon our faithfulness in serving Him right now.
To respond to the prophets’ predictions: the prophets of the Old Testament predicted such a time (Ps 72:11; Isa 9:7; Lk 1:32-33). And without the Millennium, none of those prophecies could be fulfilled.
To receive an answer to the disciples’ prayer (Matt. 6:8-13): One day, when Jesus returns, His kingdom will come and His will shall be done on this earth.
To reemphasize man’s depravity and the necessity of Christ’s death: During the Millennium, those faithful servants who survive the Tribulation will bear children, in whom the sin nature will reside, because the fallen human nature of man will not be eliminated until eternity begins at the end of the millennial kingdom. At the end of the thousand years, Satan will be released, and he will stir up a final rebellion against God just as he did in the Garden of Eden (Rev. 21:1-3, 7-8). That’s right—even though Christ is ruling and reigning on the earth during the Millennium, some will yet be deceived. This demonstrates just how deeply man needs a Savior. Man can never achieve righteousness apart from God.
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Always pray to have eyes that see the best in people, a heart that forgives the worst, a mind that forgets the bad, and a soul that never loses faith in God.
Until next time remember, "Keep looking up!"
God loves you with an everlasting love!
Nancy <\\\><
A man may go to heaven…..
Without health, without wealth;
Without fame, without a great name;
Without learning, without earnings;
Without culture, without beauty;
Without friends and without ten thousand other things----
But he can NEVER go to Heaven without Christ.
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No hard feelings
This week's Quiz: Tabernacle and Temple . . .
According to Hebrews 8:5, God told Moses to make the tabernacle according to the pattern shown to him on the mount. As Christians, we can learn much by comparing the utensils of the tabernacle to their symbolic references--light, bread, mercy; everything points to Jesus. The temple was patterned after the tabernacle but as a permanent dwelling. How much do you know about the tabernacle and the temple?
1. Which of the following was not one of the colors of the tabernacle curtains? Exo 26:1
a. blue c. purple
b. red d. white
2. Which of the following was not placed in the Holy of Holies? Exo. 30:18
a. table of showbread c. a bronze basin for washing
b. altar of incense d. golden lampstand
3. Who carried the tabernacle and its furnishings? Num. 1:50
a. the Levites c. the Reubenites
b. the Gadites d. the Ephraimites
4. When the Israelites camped, the tabernacle was set up: Num. 2:17
a. to the north of the camp c. to the east of the camp
b. to the south of the camp d. in the middle of the camp
5. The glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle as: Exo. 40:38
a. a pillar of cloud c. lightning
b. a pillar of fire d. both a and b
6. Who built the first temple? 2 Chron. 2:1
a. Moses c. Samuel
b. Solomon d. Hezekiah
7. When David wanted to build a temple, why did God tell him he couldn't? 1 Chron. 22:8
a. because he didn't have the right building materials
b. because he sinned with Bathsheba
c. because he had shed much blood
d. because he was too old
8. According to 1 Chronicles 22:1-5, which of the following was not a material gathered to build the temple?
a. iron c. stone
b. brass (or bronze) d. gold
9. Jesus cleansed the temple of: Matt. 21:12
a. money changers c. Pharisees
b. animals d. priests
10. When Jesus died, the veil in the temple was torn in two from: Mark 15:38
a. bottom to top c. right to left
b. top to bottom d. left to right
Bible Study #738
The goal of Bible Study is not just learning, but living
If you are saved, you will have a desire to be holy, a hunger for the Word, the inner witness of the Spirit,
and a desire to share Jesus. These are the birthmarks of the believer.
#738 28 July 15
For one who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God; for no one understands, but in his spirit he speaks mysteries.
1 Cor. 14:2
Grateful for . . . .
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Greetings! one who speaks in a tongue: This a singular indicating that is refers to the fake gibberish of the counterfeit pagan ecstatic speech. The singular is used because gibberish can't be plural; there are not various kinds of non-language. there are, however, various languages; hence when speaking of the true gift of language, Paul uses the plural to make the distinction. The only exception is in vv. 132, 27, 28 where it refers to a single person speaking a single genuine language.
does not speak to men but to God: This is better translated, "to a god". The Greek text has no definite article (see similar translation in Acts 17:23). Their gibberish was worship of pagan deities. The Bible records no incident of any believer ever speaking to God in any other than normal human language.
no one understands . . . in his spirit he speaks mysteries: The fleshly, or carnal, Corinthians using the counterfeit ecstatic speech of paganism were not interested in being understood, but in making a dramatic display. The spirit by which they spoke was not the Holy Spirit, but their own human spirit or some demon; and the mysteries they declared were the type associated with the pagan mystery religions, which was espoused to be the depths that only the initiated few were privileged to know and understand. Those mysteries were totally unlike the ones mentioned in Scripture (e.g., Matt. 13:11; Eph 3:9), which are divine revelations of truths previously hidden (No matter what the gift, ministry, or effect, all spiritual gifts are from the Holy Spirit. They make Him known, understood, and evident in the church and in the world, by spiritually profiting all who receive their ministry . . ie: v. 12:7)
More on this subject next week.
Keep a smile on your face and a song in your heart! ♥
Memory verse for this week: 2 Cor. 4:18
This week's Trivia's: [answer's below . . ]
1. What became closed in the household of Abimelech because he took Sarah to be mistress?
2. Name the Jewish ruler who came to see Jesus secretly at night.
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Jesus said "I don't wanna condemn you .. I wanna save you"
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BIBLE MEDITATION: “Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord…” 2 Peter 1:2
DEVOTIONAL THOUGHT: Have you ever noticed how God puts things in sequence in the Bible? For example, the Bible says, “Grace and peace be multiplied unto you.” It never says “peace and grace”—always “grace and peace.” Why? You’ll not know peace until you know grace.
The Bible also says “Believe and be baptized.” Not “Be baptized and believe.” If you were immersed or sprinkled before you gave your heart to Jesus and truly believed, you haven’t been “baptized” at all. True baptism follows true belief. There is another order that God has put in the Bible. Not only grace and peace, not only belief and baptism, but repentance and faith. Always in that order: repentance first, then faith. If you’re having difficulty with faith, try repentance.
ACTION POINT: There’s nothing so damning, so debilitating, as sin in the heart. The writer of Hebrews says, “Take heed lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief.”
from the Ministries of Love Worth Finding . . . by Adrian Rogers
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Christ loves us DEARLY- and wants us restored and conformed into His image
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We have begun another journey and will learn from the book "Hard To Believe" written by John MacArthur. In his book John helps us to understand the
high cost and infinite value of following Jesus. GBY
. . . . . . . . . . HARD TO BELIEVE . . . . . . . . . .
Even before you dedicate yourself to proclaiming the whole truth of Christianity, you face the question of whether or not witnessing and evangelism of any kind are worth the trouble. If the gospel is that hard to accept, and if God chooses His people anyway, why should you put yourself out?
To some people God grants His gracious Spirit, to work in them at an early age, so that they never doubt the necessity and urgency of salvation. Others come to an understanding of what the truth is gradually, over time. Still others can point to dramatic events in their lives when the power and importance of the gospel jumped out at them suddenly and gripped their hearts. And so it is that many of you, who have been Christians for some time, have been for the first time awakened dramatically by this book to the glory of the true gospel.
In an earlier chapter I wrote that meeting a beautiful cheerleader names Polly was one especially important even in my spiritual life. Another happened the summer after my freshman year at the university. I was thrown from a car going 75 miles an hour—this was before seat belts—and slid about 120 yards down an Alabama highway on my backside. I was fully conscious (I even stayed in my own lane!), and I tried to brake by putting my hands down. The scars on my hands are still there.
No one else was hurt, and a passerby took me to the nearest hospital. After the doctors there did what they could, they wrapped me up and put me on a plane home to California. I spent three months lying on my stomach and wondering if I’d ever play football again. I thought a lot about life and death, and what exactly we were on earth to do. I came to grips with the reality that life is fragile, and that I needed to make sure I was doing what the Lord wanted of me. It could all be over in a heartbeat, with no warning whatsoever.
Up to that time, I was more concerned with finding my own direction in life, and picking my own career, than listening to what God might want for me. But then life took on a serious tone. I realized I wasn’t in control of my future. I had survived something that should have killed me; God suddenly had my undivided attention. I remember saying, “Lord, I’ll do anything You want me to do, and I understand that life is much bigger than my little agenda.”
Like a lot of healthy young college students, I’d felt a sort of invincibility and assurance that I was going to carve out my own little world. After the wreck, I began to come to grips with the reality of eternity, and what really mattered. I remember lying in bed, reading the New Testament, and thinking seriously about the things of God. I eventually healed, and the Lord allowed me to go on and enjoy an extensive athletic career, which was grace upon grace.
My introduction to Polly a short time later sealed the commitment. To know Him, to know His gospel, and to make it known became my life.
God calls all Christians to proclaim the message of Christ. Most do it by word and deed, as a part of daily living. Some make evangelism their lives’ work, as God called me to do. I learned, early on, from that first experience at a South Carolina bus station down to the present, that I can’t save anybody. All I can do is proclaim the gospel.
If you looked at the world and judged God’s power by the responses of men, you would give up trying to share the Word of God. I have gone places and poured out my heart, and nothing happened. But that’s all right, because all that the Father gives to Christ are going to come home. That’s what Jesus said: “All that the Father gives Me will come to Me” (Jn 6:37).
I’m not responsible for who gets saved, and neither are you. I refuse that responsibility. Then who is responsible? “No man comes to Me,” Jesus said, “except the Father draw him.” God has that responsibility, not us. Therefore, I can look over the multitude and say, as Jesus said, “Most of your won’t believe.” But some will believe, brought to faith through reading the Bible, talking with a friend, or hearing a preacher on the street. Then, instead of being unbelievable and foolish, these words that are so hard to believe become the only balm that soothes a sinful heart; the only guide through the narrow gate that leads to eternal life; the only truth rich, complete, and holy enough to save a soul from eternal fire.
Those hard words become precious and welcome and treasured. “All that the Father gives to Christ, they will come.”
They will come. Our calling is to reach them with the truth.
next week: . . "Agents of the Apocalypse"
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When you come to Jesus you have a world wide group of brothers and sisters
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This bears repeating every now-n-then . . .
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Lovely people, hold on to your faith today....Fight the good fight....Run the race that has been set before you....Nothing good will be withheld from those who love the Lord....
All good works will be rewarded....Now is not the time to give up....Answers are just in sight....God's time is not our time....Don't be discouraged today....God sees you....
He knows what you have need of....God doesn't fail and He'll never leave you comfortless....We have the precious Holy Spirit....My friends, you're never alone....
I don't care what you've done....God loves you and He will forgive you....So many of us struggle with believing that we don't deserve God's forgiveness....You'll never be "good enough"....Friends, our Father looks past our faults and loves us anyway....When you're covered by the blood of Jesus, He doesn't see your sins....You don't earn God's love....He just gives it to you....Don't ever let anybody tell you otherwise....My friends, He'll meet you right where you are today....He'll go down to the gutter if that's where you are....He's a big God and He fears NOTHING....He fought for Moses and His people....He'll fight for you....He's the same God who parted the sea....The same God who saved Daniel in the lion's den....The same God who stood with David before Goliath....He hasn't changed....Yes, hold on to your faith....God is moving on your behalf right now....Praise His holy name....Go ahead and shout about it!!!!
"Fear not, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; yes, I will help you; yes, I will uphold you with the right hand of My righteousness."
~ Isaiah 41:10 Amen ♥
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Before you can reach someone, you must love them as Christ loves them
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The Holy Spirit: An Absolute . . . C. Stanley Luke 24:36-49
Salvation occurs when we trust Jesus as our Savior – He forgives us, transforms us, and sees us as righteous. In that moment, we are redeemed, and though we continue to struggle with sin, it is a defeated foe. Then as time goes on, our service, gifts, and love for Him should naturally become greater.
Unfortunately, a lot of Christians sit in church week after week, going through the motions yet lacking passion and failing to grow. How is such a thing possible? Tragically, many believers are unaware of the essential ministry of God’s Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is a member of the Trinity and co-equal with God the Father and God the Son. The opening chapter of Scripture tells us that He existed before the formation of the earth and in fact participated in creation (Gen. 1:2, 26). Today, He has the critical role of helping and counseling all believers.
The Holy Spirit is a gift to every child of God. His presence within us isn’t something we have to earn or acquire. Rather, it is a marvelous privilege – by indwelling our hearts, He can guide and strengthen, steering each believer away from danger and into truth (Jn 16:7-8). Scripture tells us that Jesus came so we could experience a full life (10:10). This is possible only when we listen to His Spirit and obey.
Are you experiencing the abundant life Jesus promised? He wasn’t talking about happy circumstances but rather the joy and contentment possible through a relationship with Him. If you’re lacking in this area, consider your understanding of the Holy Spirit, and pray to be in tune with His promptings.
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Resolve to enjoy life instead of enduring it
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The Lord knows how to rescue the godly from temptation, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment for the day of judgment. 2 Pet. 2:9
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Answers to this week's Trivia's:
1. What became closed in the household of Abimelech because he took Sarah to be mistress?
A. The wombs of all the women Gen. 20:18
2. Name the Jewish ruler who came to see Jesus secretly at night.
A. Nicodemus John 3:1-2
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Answers to Questions about Heaven . . . David Jeremiah
Q. When will the "Millennium" take place?
Now, it might not immediately seem important—what a person believes about the timing of the thousand years—but a person’s interpretation of that thousand-year period affects his or her interpretation of other passages and events in the Bible.
Church history has seen the rise of three competing views. . .
Postmillennialism: This is the view that the Second Coming will follow the Millennium. As more and more people are converted, the world will gradually be conquered for Christ. At that time, God’s justice will prevail across the earth, and Jesus will return to take up the throne that was won for Him by His Church.
Amillennialism: This is the view that there is no literal Millennium. In other words, the events that are in Revelation 20 are happening right now, and the Church is reigning with Christ over the earth. This view leads to a highly allegorical interpretation of Scripture.
Premillennialism: This is the oldest of the three views and is the view that I believe to be accurate. Premillennialism is based on a literal interpretation of Scripture and teaches that the Second Coming will precede the Millennium. This would place the Millennium after the Rapture and after the seven years of tribulation. Then Jesus Christ will come back and literally reign on the earth for a thousand years.
Premillennialism Timeline:
Old Testament .. Church Age .. Rapture .. Seven-Year Tribulation .. Second Coming of Christ .. Thousand-Year Millennium . . Heaven (Eternal State)
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Always pray to have eyes that see the best in people, a heart that forgives the worst, a mind that forgets the bad, and a soul that never loses faith in God.
Until next time remember, "Keep looking up!"
God loves you with an everlasting love!
Nancy <\\\><
A man may go to heaven…..
Without health, without wealth;
Without fame, without a great name;
Without learning, without earnings;
Without culture, without beauty;
Without friends and without ten thousand other things----
But he can NEVER go to Heaven without Christ.
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No hard feelings
This week's Quiz: Priests . .
God instituted the priesthood. He chose the tribe of Levi because they were the only ones who stood with Moses to punish those worshipping the golden calf. The only book of the Bible names for a tribe of Israel is Leviticus, which describes the duties of the priests. Today we Christians are God’s royal priesthood. What do you know about the biblical priests?
1. When Samuel was dedicated to service in the house of the Lord, the priest he served was: 1 Sam. 1:20-25
a. Zadok c. Eleazar
b. Eli d. Melchizedek
2. When Aaron died, what was the name of his son who became high priest? Deut. 10:6
a. Eleazar c. Joshua
b. Phinehas d. Caleb
3. Melchizedek was a priest of: Gen. 14:18
a. Jerusalem c. the most high God
b. Baal d. Israel
4. Which apostle wrote a book of the Bible that describes all believers as a royal priesthood? 1 Peter 2:9
a. Paul c. Joshua
b. Peter d. John
5. When the Israelites returned to Jerusalem from the Babylonian captivity, the high priest was: Haggai 1:1-2
a. Ezra c. Joshua
b. Nehemiah d. Zerubbabel
6. David put the two priests Abiathar and Zadok in charge of: 2 Sam. 15:29
a. the temple service c. bringing the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem
b. the temple singers d. all the other priests
7. Hebrews says that Jesus is our High Priest forever according to the order of: Heb. 6:20
a. Moses c. Levi
b. Aaron d. Melchizedek
8. In Jesus’ day a curious situation occurred in which two men were referred to as being the high priest. The two men were: Luke 3:2
a. Annas and Caiphas c. Annas and Zecharias
b. Caiaphas and Zecharias d. Caiaphas and Gamaliel
9. Which of the following was not a part of what the priests were to wear? Exo. 28:4-39
a. ephod c. breastplate
b. turban d. gloves
10. How often could the high priest enter the Holy of Holies, where the ark of the covenant was? Heb. 9:6-7
a. once a year c. on the Sabbath
b. on holy feast days d. twice a year
Bible Study #737
The goal of Bible Study is not just learning, but living
If you are saved, you will have a desire to be holy, a hunger for the Word, the inner witness of the Spirit,
and a desire to share Jesus. These are the birthmarks of the believer.
#737 21 July 15
Every man who has something on his head while praying or prophesying disgraces his head. But every woman who has her head uncovered while praying or prophesying disgraces her head, for she is one and the same as the woman whose head is shaved. For if a woman does not cover her head, let her also have her hair cut off; but if it is disgraceful for a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved, let her cover her head. For a man ought not to have his head covered, since he is the image and glory of God; but the woman is the glory of man.
1 Cor. 11:4-7
Grateful for . . . .
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Greetings! [Depending on your age..] Do you remember ever seeing women wearing hats in church years ago?
something on his head . . . disgraces: Literally "having down from head," is probably a reference to men wearing a head covering which seems to have been a local custom. Jews began wearing head coverings during the fourth century A.D., although some may already have been wearing them in NT times. Apparently, Corinthian men were doing the same, and Paul informs them that it is a disgrace. Paul is not stating a universal law from God, but acknowledging a local custom, which did reflect divine principle. In that society, a man's uncovered head was a sign of his authority over women, who were to have their heads covered. For a man to cover his head was to suggest a reversal of proper roles.
woman . . . while praying or prophesying: Paul makes clear directives that women are not to lead or speak in the services of the church (cf. 14:34; 1 Tim 2:12), but they may pray and proclaim the truth to unbelievers, as well as teaching children and other women (cf. 1 Tim. 5:16; Titus 2:3,4). Wherever and whenever women do pray and proclaim the Word appropriately, they must do so maintaining a proper distinction from men.
uncovered: In the culture of Corinth, a woman's covered head while ministering or worshiping was a symbol to signify a subordinate relationship to her husband. The apostle is not laying down an absolute law for women to wear veils or coverings in all churches for all time, but is declaring that the symbols of the divinely-established male and female roles are to be genuinely honored in every culture. As in the case of meat offered to idols (chaps. 8, 9), there is nothing spiritual about wearing or not wearing a covering. But manifesting rebellion against God's order was wrong.
disgraceful . . . hair cut off: In that day only a prostitute or a feminist would shaver her head. If a Christian woman rejected the covering that symbolized her submission in that culture, she might as well have shaved her head--the shame was similar.
image and glory of God: Though men and women were both created in God's image (Gen. 1:27), it is men who bears the glory of God uniquely by his role. Like God, he is given a sphere of sovereignty as the earthly sovereign over God's created order.
[when you have the time, read the rest of chapter 11:1 to 16, you may find it interesting]
Keep a smile on your face and a song in your heart! ♥
Memory verse for this week: Ps 37:28
This week's Trivia's: [answer's below . . ]
1. Who broke the stone tablets on which the Ten Commandments were written?
2. How many gospels record the miraculous feeding of the 5,000?
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To get saved .. it'll cost you nothing. To live for Christ .. it'll cost you everything
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BIBLE MEDITATION: “And I will give him the morning star.” Rev. 2:28
DEVOTIONAL THOUGHT: I remember reading a story about a wealthy Roman who had a lavish estate, and he had a servant named Marcellus. When the wealthy Roman died, he wrote his will and left everything to his slave. The wealthy Roman also had a son, and for some reason he had had a disagreement with him, so in his will he said, “I have left my entire estate to my slave Marcellus. To my son, I leave him only one thing. He can choose any one thing from my estate he wants, but that's all.” The son said, “Very well, I choose Marcellus.”
Here at the end of Revelation 2, our Lord gives another sweet promise to those who overcome (v. 28): "And I will give him," that is, the overcomer, "the morning star." Jesus is that morning star. What He's saying is, “You'll receive the greatest reward of all, you'll receive Me, the morning star.” Do you know what the morning star is? It’s the star that appears just after the darkest hour of the night.
ACTION POINT: It's getting very dark. Praise God, it's getting gloriously dark, and before long that morning star is going to appear. Jesus is the morning star. If you choose Jesus, with Jesus comes all the Father's wealth.
from the Ministries of Love Worth Finding . . . by Adrian Rogers
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God will not spare present pain if it means eternal profit
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We have begun another journey and will learn from the book "Hard To Believe" written by John MacArthur. In his book John helps us to understand the
high cost and infinite value of following Jesus. GBY
. . . . . . . . . . HARD TO BELIEVE . . . . . . . . . .
Second Thessalonians 1 gives a brief but very potent lesson in reward and retribution, beginning in verse 7: “The Lord Jesus [shall be] revealed from heaven with His mighty angels, in flaming fire.” This is the Second Coming, the day Paul mentioned in Acts 17:31, on which God has appointed Jesus to be the judge. On that day, God will reveal the Lord Jesus from heaven with His mighty angels in flaming fire and furious final judgment.
Notice an essential point in the next verse: “He will deal one retribution.” Retribution means judgment, payment, and punishment. For whom? For “those who do not know God, and [for] those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ” (2 Thess. 1:8). In the original Greek, that passage is designed to be an explanation of those who do not know God. The word “and” would be better translated “even” because it’s a further description of the same people. The passage could read this way? “This flaming final judgment falls on those who do not know God, by virtue of the fact that they do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus, and these will pay the penalty of eternal destruction away from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of His power.”
If you don’t believe the gospel, you don’t know God. If you don’t know God, you’re going to be judged without regard for your human morality.
Views of inclusivism, natural theology, or wider mercy are heresy. One writer called this perspective “later light,” suggesting that this is new revelation that says when you die and go to heaven, what you don’t know will get straightened out up there. Such a claim is frightening in its implications; it is a damning and deadly heresy, because God commanded us to reach people with the complete and true gospel. At any time, God may be using us as mouthpieces of His truth and a means by which others may hear and be saved.
God Himself is the only source of knowledge with regard to His own being and a relationship with Him. God, as the only source, must disclose it to us, and He has done so by the Holy Spirit. The Spirit knows the deep things of God, revealing them to the writers who recorded them in the Scriptures. Thus, in the inspired word of the Bible, and only there, we have the mind of God and the mind of Christ.
Natural theology reduces you to an ignorant idol worshipper, engaged with demons and headed for divine judgment. Natural revelation is sufficient to damn, but not to save. It makes man without excuse but not without condemnation. Our command and duty as responsible Christians is still in place: go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned.”
next week: . . WHY BOTHER WITH THE TRUTH? . . [Coming soon: "Agents of the Apocalypse"]
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Your goal need not be "sinless" - but to "sin - less"
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. . . and will throw them into the furnace of fire; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Matt. 13:50
CONTINUING FROM LAST WEEK, we can learn several more biblical truths about hell, the dragnet’s ultimate peril. For example, the lost will suffer hell’s torments in varying degrees. Those who willfully reject Jesus Christ and blatantly scorn His sacrifice will receive far greater punishment than people who had only the light of the Old Testament. The author of Hebrews writes, “Anyone who has set aside the Law of Moses dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. How much severer punishment do you think he will deserve who has trampled under foot the Son of God, and has regarded as unclean the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and has insulted the Spirit of grace?” (Heb. 10:28-29; cl. Matt. 11:22-23).
Concerning the slaves who waited for their master’s return, Christ’s parable states that “that slave who knew his master’s will and did not get ready for act in accord with His will, will receive many lashes, but the one who did not know it, and committed deeds worthy of a flogging, will receive but few” (Lk 12:47-48).
Finally, nothing will be a s horrible about hell’s torment as its endlessness. The Lord uses “eternal” to describe both heaven’s and hell’s duration: “These will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life” (Matt. 25:46). Sadly, people who experience hell will realize a complete absence of hope for all eternity. But rejoice if you area a believer—you have a hope of heaven that will be validated for all eternity.
The sensitive person asks, “How can a loving God doom a person to hell?” what is your answer to this common question and complaint? How is justice involved? Why would some be spared? Know how to respond to this type of opinion ahead of time.
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Our outward pain helps us accelerate inward progress
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Why Did the Crowd Turn Against Jesus So Quickly? .. by Alfred Edersheim
During the Passion Week, the crowd in Jerusalem seems to have had a major swing in opinion. Jesus entered the city to praise and adoration but, by the end of the week, faced a crowd shouting for His crucifixion. Can such a change really happen so quickly?
We must consider first that the people shouting “Hosanna” when Christ arrived were not the residents of Jerusalem. Instead, He rode in the company of pilgrims coming to the city for Passover. Because of the news about Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead and hopes that the Messianic Kingdom would soon begin, these pilgrims took to shouting and praising in their enthusiasm. Singing on the road to Jerusalem was not uncommon, and with their false ideas about a Rome-conquering Messiah, the enthusiasm spilled over into palm branches.
Most of the people in Jerusalem, to put it mildly, disagreed with the “unlearned” rabble from the country. Among these types we find the Pharisees, who urged Jesus to rein in the crowd. When Jesus refused and claimed the rocks would praise Him if the people didn’t, their animosity only grew. Between these two opposing currents, Jesus rode into town.
We can envision a Jerusalem packed with outsiders pressing close to hear Jesus answer the challenges of Israel’s leaders who came to embarrass Him. But this only incited more anger. Jesus had at least the superficial support of the outsiders, but the insiders—though they feared the temporary crowds—only needed opportunity, which came soon enough.
Thus, when those insiders arrested Jesus and brought Him to trial, the former supporters likely felt intimidated by the authority of the leaders. Supporting someone is much easier when there’s a reduced chance of being imprisoned for it (e.g., Peter’s denials). And perhaps some of those wrapped up in the enthusiasm for Jesus were just as quickly wrapped up in the fervor against Him.
Not all those who supported Jesus turned against Him. Some, in fact, later wrote the accounts we have today.
Adapted and updated from The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah . . . by Alfred Edersheim
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God always gives the best to those who leave the choice to Him
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To choose life is to love the LORD your God, obey Him, and stay close to Him. He is your life. . . Deut. 30:20
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Answers to this week's Trivia's:
1. Who broke the stone tablets on which the Ten Commandments were written?
A. Moses Exo. 32:19
2. How many gospels record the miraculous feeding of the 5,000?
A. 4 Matt 14:15-21; Mk 6:35-44; Lk 9:10-17; Jn 6:1-14
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Answers to Questions about Heaven . . . David Jeremiah
Q. Where does the term "Millennium" appear in the Bible?
Before we can address this question, we must understand the term itself. Millennium is a Latin word which is made up of two root words: mille, which means “a thousand,” and annum, which means “years.” so the word Millennium means “a thousand years.”
Revelation 20 is the only place in the Bible where that actual phrase appears; and it appears in the text six different times.
Verse 2: “He laid hold of the dragon, that serpent of old, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years.”
Verse 3: “That he should deceive the nations no more till the thousand years were finished.”
Verse 4: “… and they lived and reigned with Christ … a thousand years.”
Verse 5: “The rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were finished.”
Verse 6: “Over such the second death has no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with Him a thousand years.”
Verse 7: “Now when the thousand years have expired, Satan will be released from his prison.”
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Always pray to have eyes that see the best in people, a heart that forgives the worst, a mind that forgets the bad, and a soul that never loses faith in God.
Until next time remember, "Keep looking up!"
God loves you and yours, He really does!
Nancy <\\\><
A man may go to heaven…..
Without health, without wealth;
Without fame, without a great name;
Without learning, without earnings;
Without culture, without beauty;
Without friends and without ten thousand other things----
But he can NEVER go to Heaven without Christ.
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No hard feelings
This week's Quiz: Jesus’ Crucifixion and Resurrection . .
Galations 2:20 says, “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me.” Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection are the most important events ever to happen in this world. What do you know about these crucial events?
1. The week before His crucifixion, Jesus entered Jerusalem and was greeted with: Matt. 21:8-9
a. hosannas c. branches of trees
b. strewn garments d. all of the above
2. Jesus was betrayed with a: Matt. 26:49
a. handshake c. slap in the face
b. pointing finger d. kiss
3. Jesus was tried before: Matt. 26:57; 27:11-13; Lk 23:7
a. Caiaphas c. Herod
b. Pilate d. all of the above
4. Who helped Jesus to carry His cross? Matt. 27:32
a. Peter c. Simon of Cyrene
b. a Roman soldier d. a slave
5. The sign Pilate put on Jesus’ cross said “The King of the Jews” in how many languages? Lk 23:38; Jn 19:19
a. 1 c. 3
b. 2 d. 4
6. Who gave his tomb for Jesus to be buried in? Matt. 27:57-60
a. Nicodemus c. Peter
b. Joseph of Arimathea d. Lazarus
7. How many Marys were standing at the foot of the cross? Jn 19:25
a. 1 c. 3
b. 2 d. 4
8. Who came first to the tomb on the first day of the week? Jn 20:1
a. Peter c. Mary, Jesus’ mother
b. John d. Mary Magdalene
9. Who rolled the stone away? Matt. 28:2
a. an angel c. Jesus’ disciples
b. the women d. Roman soldiers
10. What was left in the tomb? Jn 10:6
a. nothing c. some spices
b. the linen clothes d. an angel
Bible Study #736
The goal of Bible Study is not just learning, but living
If you are saved, you will have a desire to be holy, a hunger for the Word, the inner witness of the Spirit,
and a desire to share Jesus. These are the birthmarks of the believer.
#736 14 July 15
Brethren, even if anyone is caught in any trespass, you who are spiritual, restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness; each one looking to yourself, so that
you too will not be tempted. Bear one another’s burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ. For if anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself.
Gal. 6:1-3
Grateful for . . . .
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Greetings! In other words, "If someone is your group does something wrong, you who are spiritual should go to that person and gently help make him right again. But be careful, because you might be tempted to sin,too. By helping each other with your troubles, you truly obey the law of Christ. If anyone thinks he is important when he really is not, he is only fooling himself."
Caught: This word may imply the person was actually seen committing the sin or that he was caught or snared by the sin itself.
you . . . spiritual: Those believers who are walking in the Spirit.. [All believers have the presence of the indwelling Holy Spirit as the personal power for living to please God], filled with the Spirit and evidencing the fruit of the Spirit.
restore: Sometimes used metaphorically of settling disputes or arguments, it literally means "to mend" or "repair," and was used of settling a broken bone or repairing a dislocated limb [see Heb. 12:12-13). The basic process of restoration is outlined in Matt. 18:15-20.
looking: Also "observing." The Greek form strongly emphasizes a continual, diligent attentiveness.
May God bless you this week! ♥
Memory verse for this week: Phil 3:20-21
This week's Trivia's: [answer's below . . ]
1. Of Noah's three sons, which one saw him uncovered when he had become drunk with wine - Ham, Japheth or Shem?
2. What Jewish feast is used to remind the Jews of the time God spared the lives of the children whose parents put lamb's blood on doors?
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Worship is an outward expression of an inward submission
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BIBLE MEDITATION: “And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek, offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloak forbid not to take thy coat also.” Luke 6:29
DEVOTIONAL THOUGHT: Someone asked an army officer, “Why are you a Christian?” He said, “One day we went out on a march. We slugged through the mud all day long. Our boots were dirty, and our clothes were heavy. When we came into the barracks, we were cross and irritable.”
“There was a young man who had already come in, cleaned up, and was kneeling down by his bed saying his prayers. I became so irritated I took one of my muddy boots and hit him in the head with it.” He said, “The young man paused for a moment and then continued praying. But when I awoke the next morning, my boots were beautifully polished and set by my bed by that young man. That’s what brought me to Christ.”
ACTION POINT: You know, it is when God’s people suffer as Christians that this world begins to look at us. Now we may not want it. We may not ask for it. Certainly I’m not asking for it. But if it comes, let us suffer as Christians, as the Bible says. Oh dear friend, from the human viewpoint it is misery. From the Satanic viewpoint it is mystery. But from the divine viewpoint it is ministry.
from the Ministries of Love Worth Finding . . . by Adrian Rogers
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Our attitude toward the Word of God is our attitude toward Christ
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We have begun another journey and will learn from the book "Hard To Believe" written by John MacArthur. In his book John helps us to understand the
high cost and infinite value of following Jesus. GBY
. . . . . . . . . . HARD TO BELIEVE . . . . . . . . . .
God will not leave those who have never held a Bible in limbo or some neutral position. There are no free passes. Look at 1 Corinthians 10:20 to shatter this heresy; Paul said that an idol itself wasn’t really anything: “Rather, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice they sacrifice to demons and not to God, and I do not want you to have fellowship with demons.” Nothing the whole heathen world sacrifices to their supposed stone, silver, and gold idols is engaging the true God; it is engaging the forces of hell. They are linked with Satan and demons.
You might say, “Oh, those poor well-intentioned pagans! They’re working their way toward God the best way they know how.” No, they’re working their way toward hell. They’re connecting with demonic forces impersonating idols that don’t exist. There are no other gods than the true God. People believe there are, because demons impersonate the gods they worship and do enough tricks to keep those people connected to their false deities.
It’s not just a case of “Too bad they’re ignorant.” They’re not in limbo, they’re hell-bound. Ignorance is no excuse. Natural reason seeking God ends up ignorant, idolatrous, and demonic. Demons are behind all false religions. They are behind all philosophical and religious systems. They are behind every lofty thing lifted up against eh knowledge of God. Any unbiblical, anti-God idea is demonic.
There’s a dramatic illustration of this teaching in 2 John 9-11: “Whoever transgresses and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ does not have God. He who abides in the doctrine of Christ has both the Father and the Son. If anybody comes to you and does not bring this doctrine, do not receive do not receive him into your house nor greet him; for he who greets him shares in his evil deeds.” If you deviate from what the Bible says about Christ—His birth, nature, life, substitutionary death, resurrection—you don’t have God. If you don’t know Jesus, or if you’re even wrong about Jesus, you cannot know God. You’re just engaging with demons.
People have asked me, “Is there a lot of satanic religion in our society?” Yes. Everything but true Christianity is satanic, to one degree or another, and in one manifestation or another. It’s not that everybody worships Satan directly, though some do. But anybody who doesn’t worship the true and living God through Jesus Christ, in effect, worships Satan.
I don’t think you want to do that, because God gets very jealous. In Deuteronomy 32:21, God said, “They [Israel] have provoked Me to jealousy by what is not God; /They have moved Me to anger by their foolish idols.” You don’t want to provoke the Lord to anger, because you’re not as strong as He is. You will lose.
Again, the best that man can do through his own reason comes up as foolishness, ignorance, and idolatry, and it engages the forces of hell. Romans 3:10 is the universal indictment of humanity: “There is none righteous, no, not one.” Man’s religions are “bad good.” They may be good on the human level through emphasizing kindness or being charitable. But they are “bad good,” because the motive is not to glorify God, and anything less than that is a wrong motive. People don’t do good in the sense of righteous good that pleases God. In fact, they’re wretched on the inside; their throats are like open graves. They open their mouths and out comes the stench of death.
Paul says of the law that “it stops every mouth” (see Rom. 3:19). Don’t open your mouth and try to defend yourself. Don’t say, “But . . . God . . . I tried. I’m a pretty good person, and You know I’m certainly better than the people over there.” All that natural revelation does for you is make you accountable to god, and inexcusable. It shuts your mouth, and you have nothing to say, because in verse 20, your deeds, your works of the law—meaning your good deeds, your religious deeds—will never be justified in God’s sight. You can’t be good enough to get there on your own.
If you can be saved without the gospel, then salvation is by works. Nobody is going to be justified before God that way. There’s only one way to be justified, and Paul went on to describe it in Romans 3:22: “The righteousness of God, through faith in Jesus Christ, to all and on all who believe.” You have to come to Christ; you have to believe in Christ. The only way of salvation comes in verses 23-24: “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.” The only way to be saved is by faith in Jesus Christ.
next week: . . REWARD AND RETRIBUTION . . [Coming soon: "Agents of the Apocalypse"]
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Don't worry about tomorrow, God is already there
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. . . and will throw them into the furnace of fire; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Matt. 13:50
THE DOCTRINE OF HELL IS undoubtedly the most difficult one for Christians to accept emotionally. Yet Scripture mentions it too often for us to deny or ignore it. Jesus gives several warnings of it in the Sermon on the Mount. “It is better for you to lose one of the parts of your body, than for your whole body to be thrown into hell” (Matt. 5:22, 29; 11:23; 23:33; Mk 3:29; Lk 12:9-10; Jn 15:6)
God’s Word teaches us some basic truths about hell-what this parable calls “the furnace of fire”—that aid us in partially grasping its terror. First, it is a place of constant torment and pain. Jesus called its torment darkness (Matt 22:13), which means no light penetrates and nothing is visible. Our Lord also called the torment a fire that never goes out (Mk 9:43), from which the damned find no relief.
Second, hell includes the torment of both body and soul. Contrary to some teachings, neither is annihilated at death and never will be. Just as believers’ souls will receive resurrected bodies to enjoy heaven forever, unbelievers’ souls will receive resurrected bodies to experience hell forever (cf. Matt. 10:28; Jn 5:29; Acts 24:15). Jesus further called hell a place “where their worm does not die” (Mk 9:44). Once the bodies of deceased believers are consumed by worms, no more harm can be done to them. But the resurrected bodies of unbelievers will never be consumed. Such sobering reminders ought to prompt us to pray for the lost with greater urgency.
We do try to avoid thinking of things so gruesome and unending. Even though we don’t treat it as a myth or analogy, we still bristle at the thought of it. But how does a proper understanding of the truth of hell benefit you in your own worship and in your interactions with others?
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Christianity is not a religion- its a relationship, not only with God . . with other brothers and sisters in Christ
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What Did Jesus Mean by the “Bad Eye”? . . . by John Piper
What does the bad eye refer to in Matthew 20:15? It refers to an eye that cannot see the beauty of grace. It cannot see the brightness of generosity. It cannot see unexpected blessing to others as a precious treasure. It is an eye that is blind to what is truly beautiful and bright and precious and God-like. It is a worldly eye. It sees money and material reward as more to be desired than a beautiful display of free, gracious, God-like generosity.
That is exactly what the bad eye means in chapter six of the Sermon on the Mount. And that meaning gives Matthew 6:22-23 a perfect fitness between a saying on true treasure (Matt. 6:19-21) and the necessity of choosing between the mastery of God and the mastery of money (Matt. 6:24).
So the flow of thought would go like this: Don’t lay up treasures on earth, but lay up treasures in heaven. Show that your heart is fixed on the value that God is for you in Christ. Make sure that your eye is good not bad. That is, make sure that you see heavenly treasure as infinitely more precious than earthly material treasure. When your eye sees things this way, you are full of light. And if you don’t see things this way, even the light you think you see (the glitz and flash and skin and muscle of this world) is all darkness. You are sleepwalking through life. You are serving money as a slave without even knowing it, because it has lulled you to sleep. Far better is to be swayed by the truth—the infinite value of God.
So if you are emotionally drawn more by material things than by Christ, pray that God would give you a good eye and awaken you from the blindness of “the bad eye.”
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Just like God was in Christ, Jesus is in us
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My true brother and sister and mother are those who do what God wants Mk 3:35
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Answers to this week's Trivia's:
1. Of Noah's three sons, which one saw him uncovered when he had become drunk with wine - Ham, Japheth or Shem?
A. Ham Gen. 9:22
2. What Jewish feast is used to remind the Jews of the time God spared the lives of the children whose parents put lamb's blood on doors?
A. Passover Exo 12:27
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Answers to Questions about Heaven . . . David Jeremiah
Q. Who are heaven's inhabitants?
In Hebrews 12:22-23 we find a list of some of heaven’s residents. Believers are going to spend all of eternity with “an innumerable company of angels,” all of the “just men made perfect” (the Old Testament saints), the people who are of the firstborn (the Church), and above all, we’re going to spend eternity with our God.
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Always pray to have eyes that see the best in people, a heart that forgives the worst, a mind that forgets the bad, and a soul that never loses faith in God.
Until next time remember, "Keep looking up!"
God loves you and yours, He really does!
Nancy <\\\><
A man may go to heaven…..
Without health, without wealth;
Without fame, without a great name;
Without learning, without earnings;
Without culture, without beauty;
Without friends and without ten thousand other things----
But he can NEVER go to Heaven without Christ.
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No hard feelings
This week's Quiz: Names of the Lord . .
Romans 10:13 says, “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” The Lord tells us many of His different names because each of His names speaks to a different aspect of His character. Knowing His names helps us to know God better. How well do you know these names of the Lord?
1. To whom was God speaking when He said, “Say unto the children of Israel, I AM has sent me unto you”? Exo. 3:14
a. Aaron c. Joshua
b. Moses d. Elijah
2. Who called the Lord “Thou God seest me”? Gen. 16:8, 13
a. Sarai c. Hagar
b. Abram d. Ishmael
3. To whom was God speaking when He said, “I am the Almighty God”? Gen. 17:1
a. Moses c. Abram
b. Aaron d. Pharaoh
4. When Moses told the children of Israel to remember the days of old, he referred to the Lord as: Deut. 31:30; 32:8
a. the Most High c. the Lord of Lords
b. the Ancient of Days d. the Lord above all
5. Which of the Ten Commandments tells us not to take our Lord’s name in vain? Exo. 20:7
a. 1 c. 3
b. 2 d. 4
6. Which of the following names is not in the list found in Isaiah 9:6?
a. Bright and Morning Star c. Mighty God
b. Prince of Peace d. Counselor
7. “KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS” was written on Jesus’: Rev 19:16
a. vesture and thigh c. sword
b. shield d. breastplate
8. Which of the following names means “God with us”? Matt. 1:23
a. Jesus c. Emmanuel
b. Elohim d. Elyon
9. Philippians 2:9 says that God gave Jesus:
a. the name Jesus c. a secret name
b. the name above every name d. b and c
10. Who said, “I know that my Redeemer lives”? Job 19:1, 25
a. David c. Moses
b. Job d. Isaiah
Bible Study #734
The goal of Bible Study is not just learning, but living
If you are saved, you will have a desire to be holy, a hunger for the Word, the inner witness of the Spirit,
and a desire to share Jesus. These are the birthmarks of the believer.
#734 30 June 15
We know that we are of God, and that the whole world lies in the power of the evil one
1 John 5:19
Grateful for . . . .
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Greetings! May I say please, I don't know where you live or what your weather is like. Some are having really hot weather. So those of you who are, please consider the animals who live out in the wild and have no home, which means, they probably don't have fresh water to drink. If you are able, find a bushel or tree that you can put a pan or bowl of water out for them. They are God's creatures too. I appreciate that! And I believe they would too! Happy Independence Day to you and yours! Be safe.
we are of God: That Christians belong to God is the fourth Christian certainty. Only two types of people exist in the world according to John: children of God and children of Satan. One belongs either to God or to the evil world system that is Satan’s domain. Because the whole world belongs to Satan, Christians should avoid its contamination.
No one can belong to both families simultaneously. Either one belongs to God’s family and exhibits His righteous character or one belongs to Satan’s family and exhibits his sinful nature.
May God bless you this week! ♥
Memory verse for this week: 1 John 3:1
Something to think about: Satan is deceiving many today by leading them to suppose that they are savingly trusting in "the finished work" of Christ while their hearts remain unchanged and self still rules their lives.
This week's Trivia's: [answer's below . . ]
1. In what country were Joseph and his father Jacob finally reunited after not seeing each other for years?
2. According to 1 Corinthians 6:19, a Christian's body is the temple of what?
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It is His joy to enter into a sorrowful heart
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BIBLE MEDITATION: “Then they said one to another, We do not well: this day is a day of good tidings, and we hold our peace: if we tarry till the morning light, some mischief will come upon us: now therefore come, that we may go and tell the king's household.” 2 Ki 7:9
DEVOTIONAL THOUGHT: Andrew Murray said, “There are two classes of Christians: soul winners, and backsliders.” In my humble estimation, there are two great sins a Christian can commit: the greatest is to fail to love the Lord Jesus. The second greatest is not adultery or drunkenness, but it is the sin of silence—to refuse to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Suppose you knew the cure for cancer. Would you not tell it? Suppose you were on an island where people were starving to death and you knew where there was a vast hoard of food. Would you not tell it?
Ours is the greatest mission, the greatest message, the greatest Master the world knows anything about. Our mission is the Great Commission. Our message is the saving Gospel of our Lord and Savior. Our master, Jesus Christ Himself, has told us we ought to take the gospel to every creature on earth. Yet many Christians are sinning against this command. They're committing what I call “the sin of silence.” If you’re not a witness, you're not right with God, I don't care what else you may do.
ACTION POINT: I care not how faithfully you attend, how eloquently you teach, how liberally you give, how circumspectly you walk or how beautifully you sing. If you’re not witnessing, you’re not right with God.
from the Ministries of Love Worth Finding . . . by Adrian Rogers
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The highest love of God is not intellectual, it is Spiritual
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We have begun another journey and will learn from the book "Hard To Believe" written by John MacArthur. In his book John helps us to understand the
high cost and infinite value of following Jesus. GBY
. . . . . . . . . . HARD TO BELIEVE . . . . . . . . . .
Christianity would be much easier to sell if only it had a good dose of twenty-first-century inclusivism. On one level, the message of the Bible sounds so attractive and comforting: God is love! Jesus forgives your sins! That’s terrific. The same gospel that tells us those things, though, also tells us to worship Jesus as Lord, that we can’t earn our way to heaven, and that the only way to eternal life is through Christ.
We’ve seen that the frequent solution for making the message more popular and appealing is to distort and misrepresent the gospel by pumping up the easy parts and downplaying or ignoring the hard parts. We’ve also seen that many religious leaders around the world, including some who consider themselves evangelicals, take the question a step further by wondering aloud if people really need to have the gospel to be saved. Can’t they get to heaven without it? Won’t a multi armed Hindu god or an alligator do in a pinch? And what about the people who never had the chance to hear the gospel? Sending them to hell is hardly fair!
There are two answers to these questions. First, you and I had better get to people with the gospel, because that’s what God commanded us to do. Second, if God, in His sovereign, eternal, elective purpose, has determined to bring people to salvation, then He will be sure that they receive the gospel. Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount, “Seek and you will find” (Matt. 7:7). And we are the instruments that proclaim the gospel.
Whether or not the gospel is necessary for salvation is at the core of Christianity. The question is ultimately simple and straightforward: Either we can understand the Spirit and intentions of God on our own, or we cannot. And if we can’t, we have to look at the only place in creation where the deeper essence of God is revealed: the Bible.
The last part of 1 Corinthians 2:10 says, “The Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God.” As deep and inaccessible as God is, we can still know some things about Him. He is powerful, He is complex, He’s a God of order and beauty and life. It’s true that we can see a lot in the creation. But if want to go beneath the surface, to the spiritual side of God—to the law, the salvation, the righteousness , and the redemption of God—we have to perceive that the Spirit of God knows the deep things, because the Spirit is God.
In our human wisdom, we don’t have access to the deep things; we have access only to what we can see on the surface. We don’t know spiritual things about God: His nature, essence, will, and salvation.
Paul gave an analogy in 1 Corinthians 2:11: “For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him?” We can be close to each other in the same family, or engaged in a common enterprise, yet we still can’t know each other’s thoughts. All we know is what is apparent to our senses. The only one who perfectly knows the thoughts is the spirit of the person who has the thoughts. The same is true of God. We can understand some things about Him from seeing what He has made, but none of us can know the deep things of God and any more than I can know, by looking at you, what your innermost thoughts are. Only your spirit knows what’s inside you, and only the Spirit of God knows the deep things of God.
We’ll never know the deep, saving, spiritual truths of God unless someone reveals them to us. As 1 Corinthians 2:11 says, “No one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God.” Paul added in verse 12, “Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God.” Those things are forgiveness of sin, salvation, and the hope of eternal life, as well as all the blessings of justification, sanctification, and glorification. We can’t know them by human reason. We can’t find them in a test-tube experiment. We can’t figure them out by rationalization. We can know them only through the revelation of the Holy Spirit.
You can’t go to heaven unless you know how, and you can’t know how except by reading the Bible. That’s the only place where men wrote down words the Holy Spirit inspired. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God. Peter described the process: “holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit” (2 Per. 1:21).
This is going to come as a radical shock to those advocating natural theology. Imagine what they’re going to say when they have 1 Corinthians 2:14 dropped in front of them: “But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.” A natural man, who lacks the aid of supernatural revelation through Scripture, cannot know the things that only the Spirit of God knows. To him, they are complete nonsense. He can’t understand them because they are spiritually, not rationally, appraised. He can’t examine them by empirical study; he can’t attain them by any human intuition.
Where does natural theology lead you? Nowhere but hell. It is a fatal, dead-end street, entered through eh wide gate that seems so comfortable, convenient, user-friendly, and seeker-sensitive. You can’t understand the things of God on your own, any more than Adam and Eve could, because you can appraise the essence of the Lord and Creator of the universe only through the power and revelation of the Holy Spirit. Without the Spirit, there is no knowledge. But for those of us whom the Holy Spirit ahs taught through the Scriptures, we have what 1 Corinthians 2:16 calls “the mind of Christ.”
We can know what Christ thinks because the Scriptures reveal it. Natural man, lacking the mind of Christ revealed through the Spirit, ends up with no understanding. He ends up a fool. And he ends up in judgment. In John 14:26, Jesus said to the disciples, “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.” He assured them that God would instruct them how to record the deep things that are not discernible to the human senses, the profound issues of salvation that constitute the mind of Christ.
next week: . . THE UNKNOWN GOD REVEALED . .
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Seek the Lord while He may be found. Call upon Him while He is near
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Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a dragnet cast into the sea, and gathering fish of every kind; and when it filled, they drew it up on the beach; and they sat down and gathered the good fish into containers, but the bad they threw away. So it will be at the end of the age; the angels will come forth and take out the wicked from among the righteous. Matt. 13:47-49
DURING THE PRESENT CHURCH era, God allows unbelief and unrighteousness to exist in His kingdom. Therefore believers and unbelievers coexist, as Jesus already illustrated in His parable of the wheat and tares. This parable of the dragnet, however, depicts the separation of believers and unbelievers as the kingdom’s form changes at the end of the age. The dragnet of the Father’s judgment quietly moves through the sea of humanity drawing all people to the shores of eternity for separation to their final destinies—believers to heaven and unbelievers to hell.
The invisible net of God’s judgment affects every person just as the dragnet impinges on every sea creature. Most people don’t perceive God’s sovereign plan or His eternal kingdom. They don’t realize He is working in the world. At times they can be moved by hearing of the gospel’s grace, or scared by the threat of judgment. But usually they quickly return to their worldly lifestyles and disregard matters of eternity.
However, we can be certain that when this era ends and the Lord Jesus returns to establish His glorious kingdom, final judgment will be at hand. Her Christ does not fully describe the end times, but He focuses on judgment of unbelievers. He pictures a general judgment with particular reference to the final, great white throne judgment (Rev. 20:11-15). There “the dead, the great and the small” will be “judged, every one of them” (vv. 12, 13). But thank the Lord we do not have to fear that fate of we are trusting Him for salvation.
How does your heart react when you contemplate the vastness and grandeur of God’s plan—His knowledge and oversight throughout history and forward into eternity?
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God never has been as interested in where you've been as He is in where you're going
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Q & A with J. Vernon McGee . . .
Q. If God knows beforehand who will believe, do we truly have free will?
This is a question I’m confident no one will be able to answer in this life. With our little finite human minds one cannot reconcile what is known as the omniscience of God, the election of God, and man’s free will. Yet both of them are taught in Scripture, both of them are true, and there’s no conflict between them. But you must remember that God says His thoughts are not our thoughts, His ways are not our ways (see Isa. 55:8). Therefore you and I need to recognize that there’s a great deal about God that we do not understand.
We attempt to deal with the attributes of God – that’s the way we begin to get a hold of Him. And one of the attributes of God is His omniscience; He does know everything. But I don’t know everything and you don’t know everything. He hasn’t told us what He’s going to do.
He’s told us to preach the gospel to every creature. Here on the radio program we give out the Word of God and expect the Spirit of God to touch the hearts and lives of those who will hear the voice of the Spirit. Now how He works I do not understand. Our business is to give out the Word.
You and I will not be shown the list that He has. We will not be told what God knows. Charles Spurgeon used to say that if God had put a yellow stripe down the backs of the elect, he’d just go around lifting up shirttails to find those with the yellow streak and then give them the gospel. But God didn’t do it that way. God told him to preach it to every creature, so that’s what he did. Because in Spurgeon’s book, they all could accept Christ. And to me it’s the same way: I assume that whosoever will may come, and that’s a legitimate offer that God makes (see Rev. 22:17).
So if you don’t understand how to reconcile the omniscience and election of God with the free will of man, you are in a class with the rest of us. It reveals you are a human being, that you are finite, and that you do not know everything. And I don’t either. This is in the hands of God, and instead of arguing about these points let us keep busy giving out the Word of God. The Lord will take care of His end. He’ll touch the hearts of those that should hear the Word. My business is to give it out.
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We place value on the past: He places value on the future
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The fear [respect] of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding Prov. 9:10
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Answers to this week's Trivia's:
1. In what country were Joseph and his father Jacob finally reunited after not seeing each other for years?
A. Egypt Gen. 47:5-6
2. According to 1 Corinthians 6:19, a Christian's body is the temple of what?
A. The Holy Spirit [or Ghost]
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Answers to Questions about Heaven . . . David Jeremiah
Q. Will we have fellowship with one another in heaven?
In heaven, we’ll have fellowship like never before!
Because we will be God’s people made over, we will be perfectly compatible with one another and able, for the first time ever, to enjoy the intimate fellowship that we all long for in our hearts.
And if heaven weren’t exciting enough, imagine having the unlimited opportunity to fellowship with people from all ages of history—even people we’ve only read about in books.
There’s a whole list of people I’d like to meet. David and Joseph and Daniel from the Old Testament. C.S. Lewis, Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Andrew Murray, A.W. Tozer, and many others.
What an incredible time of fellowship! We can’t possibly comprehend it completely: but we’re going to live together with one another for all of eternity.
In heaven, we won’t just fellowship with believers and the angels. We will be able to know and fellowship with our Lord in a way that we cannot possibly comprehend. We are going to know Him—the same Lord Jesus who walked upon the streets of Galilee and healed the sick and ministered tot hose who were lame and blind, the same Lord Jesus with nail-scarred hands and the signs of redemption in His side. Our Savior will be our personal friend; and we will fellowship with Him forever and ever.
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Always pray to have eyes that see the best in people, a heart that forgives the worst, a mind that forgets the bad, and a soul that never loses faith in God.
Until next time remember, "Keep looking up!"
God loves you and yours, He really does!
Nancy <\\\><
A man may go to heaven…..
Without health, without wealth;
Without fame, without a great name;
Without learning, without earnings;
Without culture, without beauty;
Without friends and without ten thousand other things----
But he can NEVER go to Heaven without Christ.
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No hard feelings
This week's Quiz: Ruth and Esther . . .
Only two books of the Bible are named for women. Like all of the Bible’s stories, these two stories are important. What do you know about these two extraordinary women?
1. Ruth was from: Ruth 1:4
a. Edom c. Ammom
b. Moab d. Tyre
2. Ruth’s mother-in-law was: Ruth 1:2-4; Matt. 1:5
a. Naomi c. Rahab
b. Orpah d. both a and c
3. Boaz was Naomi’s: Ruth 2:1
a. son c. brother-in-law
b. kinsman d. cousin
4. When Boaz first saw Ruth, she was: Ruth 4:8
a. cooking c. planting a garden
b. washing clothes d. gleaning
5. In order to show that he would allow Boaz to marry Ruth, the other man:
a. shook hands c. took off his shoe
b. winked d. turned in a circle three times
6. The name of the queen before Esther was: Esther 1:9
a. Vashti c. Sheba
b. Jezebel d. Candace
7. If someone went to King Ahasuerus unannounced, he or she would be killed unless the king: Esther 4:11
a. smiled c. held out his scepter
b. said to leave him or her alone d. motioned with his hand
8. Haman was: Esther 3:1
a. a king c. the king’s second in command
b. a prince d. a chamberlain
9. In order to expose Haman’s plot, Esther: Esther 5:7-8
a. threw herself at the king’s feet
b. invited the king and Haman to a banquet
c. got Mordecai an audience with the king
d. a and b
10. A feast was instituted to celebrate the defeat of Haman’s plot. It was called the feast of: Esther 9:26
a. Tabernacles c. Purim\
b. Esther d. Mordecai
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